Saturday, June 23, 2007


I have been wanting to try Sushi for a very long time. Now mind you, I don't eat seafood of any kind, which kind of makes you feel out of place in a restaurant where 98% of the menu revolves around seafood. Michelle had given me a good recommendation in Kirkland and my co-worker gave me one for Mill Creek. Since I didn't relish going to Kirkland and trying to find parking, I opted for Mill Creek.

The place was called Sushi Zen. Its in a strip mall, but it is a nice place! I got seated and when the waiter brought the menu over, I confessed my inexperience. I could tell he was about to suggest some raw fish dish when I asked for a I quickly stated "I don't eat fish or seafood, do you have some non-fish rolls?". He gave me two nice suggestions, a basic vegetarian roll and another one that I can't pronounce, but it had pickled plum in it. They arrived and looked great...I then tasted one and wasn't that impressed. The rice was good, the vegetables fresh, but it was the nori (seaweed wrapper) that did me in. It tasted like a beach at low tide...and it didn't taste nice. I tried to hide the flavor with some pickled ginger and wasabi, but with no luck. I managed to eat 4 pieces, but then I was done. I didn't want to be rude, so I asked for a box. I left it at the cabin for Abby as I know she likes that sort of thing.

All in all, a good experience and I would definitely go back to the restaurant and get some noodles or some other food, but not the rolls. At least I can say I tried it.

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