Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Long time

I know...its been a long time since I blogged. I don't even have a good reason, except that I didn't want to. Nothing interesting going on....just work, stress, difficulty sleeping, etc.

I envy people who get good sleep. Its the deep, dark, evil envy too, not the watered down stuff. I'll forever curse the day I inherited my dads bad sleeping genes! Why couldn't I have inherited my moms "I lay my head down and sleep until 7am" genes, those are the ones I really want.

When you dream you are living in some sort of earthbound ship, and neglecting the people upstairs so that they die, and then getting called on it by coworkers......something is wrong. When you actually start getting up out of bed to look for those you neglected....something is terribly wrong. But when you are tired because you were up all night living out a stupid dream.....thats the ultimate in wrongness.

Curse the sleep disorders that plague me!


Kristi said...

Is there any medication you can take to help you sleep and not have some vivid dreams?

Becki said...

Not that I know of....I may go see a sleep specialist again and see if they can figure something out. I just really, REALLY don't want to do another sleep study.