Sunday, June 3, 2007

2/3rds of the way

I am now 2/3rds of the way to my goal of blogging every day for 30 days. To be honest, I think I might be running out of things to say (hard to believe I know).

Today I got something I have been wanting for a really long, its not a man (I wish!), its a sewing dress form. I joined Freecycle, which is the coolest thing ever, and now I have a size 18 dress form that is my height, and I got it for free. Just stopped by on the way to my mom's house and now its mine.

This will be perfect to display a costume and/or work on sewing projects (I'll need to fill it out in certain places as I am not yet a size 18). Anyway, I'm very excited! I'm going to give it a good cleaning tomorrow and then put my royal guard on display to see how it looks. Sweet!


Kristi said...

I still think its the coolest thing ever to get off freecycle :)

Anonymous said...

Oh, Becky, don't stop blogging! I love reading about your life. Maybe if you just do it every 2 or 3 days...

You and Kristi do so well on freecycle. Guess I'm going to have to visit there to see what I can find - or maybe give away.
Love, Grammy