Monday, June 11, 2007

A pile of charts a mile high

That is was was sitting on my desk all day long...a pile of charts that not only were sitting there laughing at me, but also reproducing. I would go to put a patient in a room and when I came back, there were three more charts. I think we need to put those charts on some birth control, or get them fixed.....

I stayed at work until 5:45 and then fought traffic. Here it is 9pm and I just finished dinner. I did manage to get the kitchen cleaned, so it hasn't been a total waste of an evening.

I have yet to work with my sewing dummy, it just sits in the living room scaring me when I get up to the bathroom in the middle of the night. I really need to move it, but I am just too lazy.

1 comment:

Kristi said...

Its like a headless, naked Suzy!