Monday, May 28, 2007

Too fast

This weekend went way to fast for my liking! I don't want to go back to work tomorrow, I don't!!!! I keep telling myself that its only 4 days until Saturday again, but its not really helping that much. I just got finished watching The Sin Eater. Its one of those cheesy Christian movies produced by Michael Landon Jr. For once I would like to see a Christian movie that doesn't have crappy music, bad acting, and can actually give some competition to Hollywood. Ugg!! Anyway, its now late and as I have to work tomorrow, I should probably go to bed.


Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, beauty is in the eye of the beholder and apparently you are artistically blind. The Last Sin Eater is a fanastic little movie with a powerful story. Apparently it was over your head.

Becki said...

The movie wasn't over my head at all. I completly understood the message they were presenting, and I thought they did a decent job of getting the message across. My issue was the chessy manner that is used by all Christian movies to convey their message to the non-belieiving or fence sitting. As a not so new Christian, the message of Jesus taking our sins upon himself at the cross is not a new concept. I wasn't critizing the message, but rather the way in which the message was conveyed.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you Becki. So, why could the makers of End of the Spear do such a good job and Landon not? I'm sure both were on the low budget end.

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.