Friday, May 18, 2007

Friday night

Tonight I went to my younger sisters band concert. She did a wonderful job and her band sounded great! Good job Jenni! They have three band levels and several choirs, which were all good. My only complaint was that the whole thing lasted over 2 hours.....after working a full day and then driving to Arlington from Kirkland, well, lets just say I am tired.

The advanced band played a Star Wars song..the opening title with a selection from Episode 2 in the middle. They did a decent job, but it was missing something........ahh yes, Star Wars characters. I think I will make the suggestion to my sister that next time one of the bands does a Star Wars piece to tell her teacher to contact me and I'll round up some troopers and maybe a Vader. It would have made it perfect.

Work was long and boring today. I had a million phone calls, a stack of labs that was almost as tall as me, and about 5 surgeries to schedule. I was so glad to be out of there for the weekend. I managed to get almost everything done. I have to have a clean slate on Monday morning, otherwise it just throws the week off.

Well, I am off to bed. It should be nice and toasty now, since I turned on the electric mattress pad about 40 min ago. I tell you, that baby was the best investment I've ever made!

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