Monday, May 14, 2007

My first blog!

I have decided to develop the area of consistency in my life and keep a blog. I must warn you that it will probably not be filled with profound thoughts, deep philosophical musings, or other things that cause your brain to work hard (although I may throw a few in there to keep you on your toes).

It will most likely be comprised of a mix of my musings about Star Wars, costume updates, funny stories from work, and a smattering of recipes I found enjoyable.

Anyway...enjoy, offer criticisms, and encourage me in my journey of self discipline.


Kristi said...

Woo hoo!

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to reading your thoughts each day!

Anonymous said...

Neat, Becki! I'll be readin'. :D

Anonymous said...

Am anxious to be tuned in to your life on a daily basis. Keep up on that self-dicipline, honey.


Jill aka neeuqpmats said...

Welcome to the world of blogging. It really is quite fun!! I will look forward to reading your thoughts, ramblings, etc. If you want you can read mine.