Wednesday, July 4, 2007

4th of July

Happy 4th of July!!

I was in a parade today down in Edmonds. It was hot, hot, hot, but we had a good time. No one go heatstroke, our costumes didn't fall apart, and I looked good! I did get tired of being called "Darth Maul" and one girl said she though we were from the Matrix.....these people are seriously having this part of their education neglected. "Train up a child in the ways of Star Wars and they will never part from it." Yes, that is a bit sacrilegious....but I think God is a total Star Wars fan...I can just see Him in heaven wearing a WWYD? bracelet (What Would Yoda Do?). Its a good thing God has a good sense of humor....cause 2 sacrilegious comments in one day is probably too many.

When I got home last night from the festivities at my mom's house, my freezer was hanging open, devoid of my frozen goods, with a note attached. I had talked with my landlords the other day about the freezer leaking water on the floor and the freezer defrosting and refreezing all my food. Well, they took it upon themselves to move my freezer stuff upstairs and turn off the refrigerator. My land lady said not to worry about the stuff in the fridge as it should stay cold enough. I didn't think it worked that way if the freezer door was left open and defrosted.....I was right. My fridge was room temperature this morning, so I had to throw out a lot of stuff. Oh well, hopefully the freezer will now work right.

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