Saturday, September 22, 2007


I just wanted to share with everyone how things are going in preparation for my trip to Guatemala:

- My passport application has been sent in, so now I just have to wait 6-8 weeks (per the person I gave the application to) for my passport to come. Just enough time for them to make sure I am an acutally legal resident of the US and don't have a criminal background.

- I will be having a meeting with the group on October at which I will find out what vaccinations I need so that I hopefully will not contract some funky disease...not looking forward to those injections. Will be making a trip to Costco before I leave to make sure I have a super sized box of Immodium AD....don't really want to get the Guatemalan equivalent of Montezuma's revenge.

- Last night I got an e-mail from the accounting person with RBB (Reach Beyond Borders) with my total support raised so far. Before I give the amount, I just wanted to share that I haven't been concerned at all about if enough support was going to be raised. Normally I worry (I'm VERY good at that) and it disrupts my life, but I haven't had even a moments concern. I consider that a confirmation that I am supposed to go on this trip and that God will provide. I also consider it a confirmation in that he has provided $1500 of the $1850 I need to go! Yep folks...that leaves $350 I need to raise before Jan 2! As my mom says, "its like a hug from God". I am feeling completely blessed and loved by God, family and friends.

On a non missions trip related note...I woke up last night at 4:30 to what I thought was the static sound from my alarm clock radio, but instead it was a torrential downpour outside. I laid in bed listening to it for a while and then went back to sleep. I LOVE the sounds of a heavy rain...I just wish I had a tin or metal roof, then I would REALLY hear it. I'm also totally in a fall mood. I'm thinking its time to start baking bread and making soups and stews. I want to smell cinnamon pine cones and rotting leaves. It totally makes me want to put up my Christmas decorations and play Christmas music. Yes they would be 3 months early, but oh I long for that time of year (minus the snow...unless its on a weekend). Maybe I'll take a jaunt out to Michaels and see if they have their pine cones in yet. I wonder if there's an easy way to make my own...hmmm...I may look online.

1 comment:

Kristi said...

That is AMAZING news! Oh my goodness, I wouldn't have guessed you would have that much by now. What a blessing and confirmation that this is what you're supposed to do.

I too am in a fall mood. If you find a way to make cinnamon pine cones, let me know and we can make a day of it :)