Sunday, March 1, 2009

Seriously, I don't think I have any room left. My poor teacher this morning...I couldn't remember hardly anything from Monday or Tuesday. I still can't speak um hardly at all. I have to literally think of one word, translate it, think of another word, traslate that, etc, etc.

There is a reason why I am done with school...I dislike school imensley and am too old to have the memory to capture this information. I know, I know..29 isn't THAT old. I unfortunetly have inherited my mothers memory, which is, well, not great.

I went to Bible study last night and met a nice Canadian woman named Debbie, who incidently reminds me of my mom. She volunteers at a home for kids with CP and other deformities and plays with them, feeds them, etc. I'm going with her today to see if I can volunteer a few afternoons a week. It was nice to be in a group of believers again, although I miss my CG back home. I'll be going to church on Sunday as well.

I was able to switch my homestay family to the lady I had wanted in the first place. I'll be moving on Sunday. I still don't know if I'll stay for the full 4 weeks; I really, REALLY miss home a lot.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad you found a way to serve, honey! It will help to have a meaninful purpose.

By the way, my dear, my short-term memory has always been strong; it's the long term I have trouble with.

Have a full, wonderful day!

Michelle said...

Don't give up and go home early, Beck! You'll look back and regret it!

As for remembering Spanish, I often had difficulty in Japanese being able to suitably translate. I liked the grammatical structure better (and was better at that by a long-shot).

What always helped me to improve was remember that it's okay if the answer doesn't come directly to mind, because languages don't have a one-to-one equivalent. There's no such thing as a 'direct' translation!

No matter how knowledgeable you are in another language, when you're trying to translate, you'll always just be fishing for something approximate.

Love you!

DARALYN said...

I'm with Shelly... don't come home too soon. You are strong and there's nothing wrong with loneliness or boredom. It's not a negative thing. It's a color on the tapestry that sets off the others most brilliantly. You, no doubt, are absorbing more Spanish than you think and with time you will be surprized.

Be sure to give yourself enough time to bring this to fruition!

Loving you

Kristi said...

Don't be disheartened. You just started! I can only imagine how challenging the situation is, but challenges bring growth and growth brings wisdom and so on and so forth :) This is an AWESOME opportunity (I know you know this), don't be tempted to give up too early. I think you would regret it in time.

I think its great that you might help out with needy children. That will make your experience even better.

We love you so much :)