Thursday, March 13, 2008

New News

Oh, where to begin......

I am adjusting to being back from Guatemala, although I REALLY miss it there. I am still working on my "thank you" letter to send to those who prayed/donated for me to go....a month later isn't too bad, right?

Still haven't heard from a certain man in Guatemala, and am beginning to think I won't, so I have been struggling with letting it go. It sounds so easy, but for me, its one of the hardest things to let go of. It's one of those areas that I have always struggled with trusting God. Maybe thats what I'm supposed to learn through this situation....I just don't like it though! When you are getting up there in years (don't laugh anyone who is older than me), seeing younger (much younger) siblings/cousins getting married and having kids, knowing your eggs are wasting away, and are super lonely, it makes it REALLY hard to trust in God's timing.

Anyway, as a result of a very strong desire to go back to Guatemala for 6+ months next year (2 months of language school, and then the rest working with the clinics there), I have decided a job change is in order. Actually, I've been considering a job change for a while, but this really kicked me into gear. Last week, I approached the maternity center here at Evergreen about coming back to work full-time. The manager just about jumped over the desk to offer me a job, which after much consideration, I accepted. What I really had to weigh, was the fact that I would be on night shift (horror of horrors!). I do awful on nights (7pm-7:30am), and I will warn everyone now, I'll most likely be a sleepy grumpy person until I can get a day shift. The plus is that I get some flexibility in how I want my schedule to look. I'm going to request Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday nights. This will allow me to pick up an extra shift every so often, and still leave my Sundays and Thursdays free for church. I start hospital orientation April 7th, which lasts for a week.....can we say boring!

Dr Dydell took the news very well, and has been very supportive. They are actively looking for a nurse to replace me. Dorothy is doing ok, although I notice she is getting a bit more panicky every day. I think that if we can find someone before I go, she will do better.

I also resigned from being the CO of Alpha Base (the good guy Star Wars costume group) and have notified both bases that I will mostly likely not be active. As much as I love, LOVE Star Wars, there are more important things in life and Guatemala really opened my eyes to the excess and waste of money that I am guilty of. Convicting!

I am learning some Spanish by using Rosetta Stone online software, which is working ok. My vocabulary is improving, but my grammar is not doing so hot. I've never been good even with English grammar and the Spanish stuff is even worse! Here is a sampling of my Spanish to wow and impress you all....

Una manzana es verde.
Un perro es grande.
Mi camiseta es azul.
Cafe es calor
Come estas? Muy bien

I know, I know....impressive! Have a great weekend!